Chick-Fil-A is the only fast food restaurant that I know of that is closed on Sunday. I am sure you can guess the reason why. The fast food restaurant recently supplied their yummy chicken sandwiches and desserts at a traditional marriage conference, and now gay college students across the country want Chick-Fil-A removed off their campus?
Don't these kids have something bigger to whine about like Obama hasn't been paying 100% of their tuition yet?
The conference was sponsored by the Pennsylvania Family Institute. Their Web site reads, they support “private consummation between one man and one woman, never between the same sex.”
That has all these people enraged over Chick-Fil-A, whose Web site reads, "Eat Mor Chikin." Not the best spellers out there, but I think that is a pro-cow, anti-chicken message and cares little of whether we should eat straight or gay chickens. It seems all inclusive to me.
But let's look at the language one of these college mushy mined students has to say. Jake Glaizer, a graduate student at Western Illinois University, uses the word "moral" to support his argument for homosexual lifestyles--a lifestyle that is promiscuous in most cases.
“I believe that students have a moral obligation to lobby for the fast food chain’s removal,” he wrote in an editorial for the university’s student newspaper, the Western Courier. “Anything less would be inconsistent with Western’s values and a missed opportunity to stand up for what is right.”
A moral obligation, but I still haven't figured out why Chick-Fil-A is the target. I mean if a gay chef/caterer decided the money was worth making despite the message of the Pennsylvania Family Institute, would they be as offended and boycott the gay caterer?
Myself, I think I am going to order me a couple of chikin sandwiches later today.