New Department of Homeland Security Alert: Poisoned Salad Bars
Can we get a SBSA division in the Department of Homeland Security? We have the Transportation Safety Administration and now we are going to need a Salad Bar Safety Administration to stop radical terrorists are the government says may attack the nation's salad bars. I wish I was kidding, but that's one of the latest alerts coming from our Federal Government. Are we at the red terrorism alert level yet?
CBS News is reporting that terrorists are targeting salad bars with weapons of mass destruction. They claim terrorists might just use ricin or cyanide to poison foods in salad bars.
Isn't that just great! Michelle Obama gets her salad bar bill passed for the nation's schools and now parents must not only worry about the Federal Government telling them what to feed their child, they have to worry about enemies of the Federal Government poisoning some of Michelle Obama's salad bars. Perhaps, McDonald's is a healthier alternative after all. Take the kids out to get some Happy Meals.
Might naked body scanners and full genital groping be heading to a restaurant near you?
Of course Mike Adams points out how the federal government through the FDA is more responsible for poisoning the nation's food supply with chemicals like aspartame in nearly everything, which slowly poisons the body.