I know I have felt violated by that crazy aunt who feels the need to put the video camera in your face that one time of year when finally decide to get together--Christmas. You cover your head and try to avoid the video camera as they call out your name to embarrass you until you finally give in. Have you been there?
However, I have a real problem with Meritus Medical Center's, in Hagerstown, Maryland, new policy on cameras in the delivery room. The birth of a new baby is a special time for most parents, and they have banned all cameras from the delivery room and they are claiming it is to protect privacy rights. Privacy rights? Of who?
Meritus Medical Center implemented a policy prohibiting video, film and still photography of deliveries until five minutes after birth. The change is intended to protect patient privacy and reduce potential staff distractions, said Jody Bishop, administrative director of the department that includes the hospital's birthing center.
"Five minutes after the birth, if everybody's well and the physician approves, they can go ahead and start videotaping and taking pictures," Bishop told The (Hagerstown) Herald-Mail.
Privacy rights? Where do they get off on saying this newborn baby has privacy rights from its parents? There are no privacy rights when it comes to changing the diaper, either the parents expose the baby to clean it up or the baby will suffer consequences that will lead to its death. If anything, the parents have the right to privacy from the hospital, the public, and of course the state, which means these entities have no right to interfere with the parent's upbringing of this child under normal circumstances, but what is this idea this baby has privacy rights from its own parents?
Think about that and this story should anger you. I understand the male parent should be in a position that doesn't interfere with the medical staff, but to state a new born child or any child under the age of 18 has rights that prevent them from having access to the child is just scary the hospital would even think this way.
As well, you never get those first rare moments of life back. That first second, first minute of life. It is gone so quickly, and the hospital is violating the parents rights for not letting them enjoy it without this idiotic notion that babies have the right of privacy from their parents.