It's Official: TSA Looking to Expand to Shopping Malls and Hotels

Can you imagine the TSA at a hotel? What about an hourly rate hotel? Well, just think about how the sexually offensive and handsy TSA might conduct business to keep you "safe," because that's going to be the target of the next TSA expansion as well as shopping malls.

Breitbart reports today that Big Sis Janet Napolitano is looking at where she wants to strategically place the TSA next, and it's becoming even more Orewellian. Remember, in George Orwell's 1984 how the government official of Oceania were in your bedroom? Well, hotels are close enough right?

From Breitbart:

The United States is stepping up security at “soft targets” like hotels and shopping malls, as well as trains and ports, as it counters the evolving Al-Qaeda threat, a top official said Sunday.

A year after a foiled plot to bomb a US-bound passenger plane, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told CNN’s “State of the Union” program that other places and modes of transportation must now be scrutinized.

“We look at so-called soft targets — the hotels, shopping malls, for example — all of which we have reached out to in the past year and have done a fair amount of training for their own employees,” Napolitano said.