TSA Lied About Strip Searching Five Year Old Boy: No Metal Detector, No Bulky Clothes Evident
Remember this video from last month in which a five-year-old boy was required to strip down for a TSA agent to ensure the kid wasn't a radical terrorist? Well the TSA tried to justify the strip search of the young boy claiming the metal detector went off when the child went through security. That appears to be a lie by the Fourth Amendment killing TSA ran by Janet Napolitano's Department of Homeland Security.
Representative Jason Chaffetz is becoming a hero of the American patriot movement. He demanded answers of the TSA, and after putting pressure on the TSA thugs, they finally admitted the child wasn't strip searched because of metal detectors, but because he wore bulky clothing to the airport.
“New information was brought to light that indicated the initial report was incorrect,” the TSA said, admitting that the boy was patted down not because he set off a metal detector but due to “bulky clothing”.
But looking closely at the video, the shirt the TSA removed from the boy doesn't appear to be thick, but moves around loosely like a lighter piece of clothing. Is the TSA covering up something else here?
Why in America are we allowing these thugs to strip search a five year old anyway?