Billy Long's Twitter Enemies List: New Congressman Continues to Block Constituents on Twitter
More and more people who engage in Southwest Missouri political conversation are finding themselves blocked from following Congressman-elect Billy Long on Twitter. If you aren't willing to give Long a political free pass, you will soon show up on Billy Long's enemies list, which is a list of block constituents of Southwest Missouri on Twitter:
Busplunge blogger Jim Lee has been posting the number of days he has been blocked from following Long's @auctnr1 account on Twitter, and I know I have been blocked since last spring. As well Jacob Lawrence, another blogger who has been critical of Billy Long has also been blocked from following the new Congressman about the time a member of the Long campaign filed an FEC ethics complaint against the teenage boy. Surely Mr. Long knows it is his job to represent all of Southwest Missouri in Congress and not just his rich friends who helped him "buy" the seat, hiding his political incompetence with two words--"fed up."
Now the president of the Missouri State college Democrats is speaking up and pointing out he too has been blocked from following Congressman-elect Long on Twitter. Cameron Sullivan, who exposed that Billy Long started his reelection bid nine days after the general election last November by releasing a letter sent throughout the PoliSci department at Missouri State, tweets he too has been blocked by Billy Long on Twitter. (Remember Billy Long said during the primary that politicians in Washington spend too much time worried about getting reelected.)
It's really sad that Billy Long @auctnr1 is blocking his constituents on twitter. I'd like to stay updated on what he's up to, but I can't.
It's sad that Billy Long said he would be a voice for Southwest Missouri and wasn't going to Washington to scratch everyone else's back, but doesn't even have the courage to allow his critics in his own district an inside look through is social media. Sooner or later, it's going to be exposed and most of Southwest Missouri will come to the realization. Billy Long was never a political outsider, and truth be known, he was probably hand picked for the job so one former Congressman could have a voice in both chambers as he takes on his new role as Senator, which I am hearing more and more out on the street.
Seriously Cam, what are you really missing? Other than name dropping, tweeting about what Billy is eating and with who, and the retweet of other politicians and pundits discussing the issues (notice Billy Long rarely tweets about the issues on his own) what value does Billy Long's social media presence really have other than allowing us to know this is and always has been about Billy Long.
However, there other ways to follow Long that beats the blocks he places on those who are on Billy Long's political enemies list. It's politics as usual when it comes to Billy Long.