The 2010 figures of federal spending and debt have been released. These numbers are obviously sickening. Take a look for yourself:
Figures on government spending and debt (last six digits are eliminated). The
government's fiscal year runs Oct. 1 through Sept. 30.
Total public debt subject to limit Dec. 20 13,816,909
Statutory debt limit 14,294,000
Total public debt outstanding Dec. 20 13,868,461
Operating balance Dec. 20 296,598
Interest fiscal year 2011 through November 36,831
Interest fiscal year 2010 through November 35,889
Deficit fiscal year 2011 through November 290,826
Deficit fiscal year 2010 through November 296,650
Receipts fiscal year 2011 through November 294,912
Receipts fiscal year 2010 through November 268,857
Outlays fiscal year 2011 through November 585,738
Outlays fiscal year 2010 through November 565,507
Gold assets in November 11,041
Now I want you to notice where the national debt is, where the debt ceiling is at, and remember the big compromise Republicans just made with Obama to ensure the Bush tax cuts live another day.
Now Republicans, riding the wave of public anger over federal spending, didn't have to compromise with Obama. They could have entered office and pushed the tax cut extensions in January and made them retroactive, but they chose to let Obama have a little too, actually a lot--in new spending.
We are getting dangerously close to the debt ceiling once again, and Republicans are going to be forced to vote on raising the debt ceiling in January or February. Their compromise places them in a very ugly place.
Are you paying attention Tea Parties? You don't want to earn the title of hypocrite here. The GOP isn't worth compromising your own character over.