Take a look around you. Pay attention to the news, to WikiLeaks especially, and look at the direction the United States government is taking. Open your eyes. The United States government is trying to force GMO foods around the world despite the fact doctors are concerned about the health effects of GMO crops, specifically they could lead to organ damage. The government and insurance companies are pushing vaccinations like Gardasil upon the population. The Obama death panels are back.
There is an economic interest in the United States government to prevent you from living as long as possible. The unfunded liability of Social Security combined with this idea of limited resources despite the fact that the earth still offers an abundant supply of natural resources to help sustain human life is pushing some sick ideas from the left. I have even see lesson plans for elementary school kids designed by the International Baccalaureate, a globalist, left-wing education program, use the idea of population control in their mathematic story problems. Open your eyes. It started with China, and it's clearly heading to the United States.
Jason Douglass has a great piece on the rebranding of the Obama death panels. He says the word benefit is now being used to promote a more positive side. However, the bottom line is this, the quicker you die, the more money the government saves because it doesn't have to pay out as much in Social Security benefits. Remember that. It's an important part of this equation. You pay in all your adult working life, but when it comes time to receive what you have set aside in your government account, they want you dead--you have become a useless eater if you aren't working.
The bottom line here is the new healthcare legislation is going to encourage doctors to discuss ending life sooner than prolonging it another six months or two years. Here is Douglass's article:
Reviving an extremely unpopular bit of legislation, Medicare is moving forward with what they deem ‘end-of-life planning’ even though it was struck from the final version of the ObamaCare bill that was pushed through congress earlier this year. Serious doubts arose after the public caught wind of the ‘death panels’ and raised suspicions about the real reasoning behind such an agenda.
The new provision calls for Medicare to pay for voluntary counseling to help beneficiaries make some of the complex decisions that arise when their loved one approaches death.
The unpopular portion of the bill has been rebranded and made to sound like a benefit instead of the invasive and immoral bureaucratic loophole, meant to cut corners by cutting service to patients, that it is. Despite the resounding cries against such ‘death panels’, the concept is still being reworked and shoved down our throats.
In an attempt to give the bill some resistance, many states have filed suit against the Federal government over what they feel is an unconstitutional Bill.
The wording of the new counseling strategy is nebulous but it would seem that doctors are paid to advise on patients on ‘end-of-life’ care.
“This regulation could be modified or reversed” warned Earl Blumenauer author of the original end-of-life proposal and major supporter of such legislation, “We are not out of the woods yet”.
‘End-of-life planning’ goes into effect January 1.