The Thermos: The New WMD of Choice of Terrorists According to the TSA

Did you catch the Thermos is the new weapon of mass destruction of terrorists everywhere according to the TSA? Are you kidding me?

Why that's what the fine folks at the Department of Homeland Security is sending warnings about? How can this be? Heck, it's nearly impossible to bring breast milk on an airplane for a mother with baby these days without being terrorized by the TSA during pre-boarding? There is a whole list of liquids and the exact minute amount you can board with on an airplane. Surely a thermos was banned many years ago considering how the TSA deals with liquids in the past few years. I guess what I am saying is the BS meter is rising once again with it comes to Big Sis and her TSA thugs.

It's like DHS continues to have to evolve the boogie man, and since last year's underwear bomber proving to be a dud, they have to create another scare and this year it has gone from Fruit of the Looms to insulated beverage containers that I didn't think anyone could get on an airplane with anyway because of the amount of liquid an average thermos contains.

But lucky for us, Pentagon official Admiral James Winnefeld said the TSA is ‘always trying to think ahead.’