Something is Fishy with the Left's Sudden Interest in Obama's Birth Certificate

For over two years now, Barack Obama has kept his birth certificate and past life as a child and college student a mystery. There are many elusive pieces of paper Obama has failed to share with the country, most importantly his birth certificate which holds the answer to the great mystery--does Obama meet the Constitutional qualifications to serve as the President of the United States.

Strangely enough this week, in the absence of most of the major political pundits, Chris Matthews of all people, began talking about the birth certificate. In fact, he started talking about it in a challenging way saying the receipt of birth isn't enough pointing out other government jobs wouldn't allow you to serve with just a receipt of birth.

“Why has the president himself not demanded they put out the original documents?” Matthews wonders.

“If it exists, why not put it out?” Chris Matthews asks.

Then you have newly-elected Hawaii Governor Neil Abercrombie saying he's ready to produce the elusive document, further adding to the great Obama citizenship fire. Why now? Why is someone finally ready to release this document after hiding for nearly two years.

Then you have this strange reference of Governor Abercrombie noting he was familiar with Obama when he was a little boy, having connections to his parents. Why are there always these strange connections of people in power? I mean it just so happens that Obama's parents ran around in the same social circle as the future governor of Hawaii? These coincidence sometimes seem all to common in the world of political power.

I just wonder if there is more at play here behind the scenes in what could be the political theater to set up the greatest staged fraud in the history of the Presidency. Chris Matthews, the man who used to get tingles up his leg when anyone said the word Obama is suddenly asking why they just don't produce the birth certificate? Is it possible that a fraudulent birth certificate is in the works? Something just seems to fishy all of a sudden for Chris Matthews to be pushing this idea the American people have the right to see Obama's birth certificate.