As if our food supply isn't subject to enough dangerous chemicals, Monsanto is ready to deliver another controversial bio-tech chemical to cattle farmers. It is known as super aspartame or neotame. The trade name for aspartame is NutraSweet, a product so controversial it took Donald Rumsfeld to push it through the FDA after numerous failed attempts to pass the artificial sweetener off as safe.
Of course, all of Monsanto's corporate tests show NutraSweet was safe, but independent tests show NutraSweet comes with health consequences the FDA don't appear to want to report including several forms of cancers, nervous system damage, and even blindness. Some studies show it actually encourages you to eat more, which may be why Monsanto is so ready to push their latest poison on Farmers. Despite all the controversy, companies like Coca-Cola have gone to great lengths to claim the NutraSweet (aspartame) in Diet Coke is safe. They even have a Web site dedicated to convince people NutraSweet is part of a healthy lifestyle.
So let's look at the next Monsanto product ready to pollute the food supply. It is called Sweetnos and it is this form of super aspartame known as neotame. Studies show it is 8,000 to 13,000 times sweeter than regular sugar and Monsanto is marketing it to cattle farmers to get their cattle to eat more faster to bulk up and get to market. So what does this tell you about Equal and NutraSweet found in products like Diet Coke? Drink more, eat more perhaps?
Monsanto selling this product to farmers because it's cheaper for farmers to use neotame to get cows to eat than it is molasses. Of course, the old saying goes, you are what you eat, and if cows start ingesting large amounts of this new form of aspartame, what do you think the long-term effects will be to consumers?
“Sweetos is an economical substitute for molasses. Sweetos guarantees the masking of unpleasant tastes and odor and improves the palatability of feed. This product will be economical for farmers and manufacturers of cattle feed. It can also be used in mineral mixture,” said Craig Petray, CEO, The NutraSweet Company, a division of Searle, which is a part of Monsanto.
To make matters worse, the FDA has once again made the market favorable for Monsanto. In an era of raised concerns over the healthiness of aspartame, chances are consumers are going to begin to ingest it in their meat products without ever knowing it. Why?
Well it turns out the FDA has dropped any requirement for products with neotame to list the neotame as an ingredient even in food considered organic. Therefore, farmers can fatten up their beef with neotame and the consumers won't even know about it even if they buy organic.
Do you trust this government to deliver a Food Safety Act that benefits any entity other than companies like Monsanto?