Do I blame Barack Obama for all that is wrong in America today? No. This path to less freedom started nearly 140 years prior to Obama taking office in 2008 with the Civil War, which for all practical purposes was never a war to end slavery but a war of northern aggression through the redistribution of wealth and an attack on states' rights. Go read what Lincoln wrote about slavery before the Emancipation Proclamation.
The results of the Civil War were worsened 50 years with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, the federal income tax, and the next major attack on states' rights, the 17th Amendment. Not since the Lincoln administration and the Woodrow Wilson administration can I say that I have seen American on pace to destroy what is left of our rights and liberties.
Some of this needs to be blamed on big R Republicans too--after all they helped push the Patriot Act through Congress for George W. Bush to sign which set up the American police state that we have seen without any apology from the federal government in 2010. Barack Obama with a little help turned 2010 into 1984. The Obama administration has killed the Fourth Amendment for all practical purposes, and you don't have to look any further than your local airport, where, federal officials under the Obama administration's command are touching Americans in private areas without warrants in order to board airplanes. Also the naked full body scanners were deployed this year with justification from last year's Department of Homeland Security failure of the underwear bomber.
To think, Barack Obama ran saying he was going to stop the Fourth Amendment killing practice of wire tapping without a warrant. He has only worsened the damage the Patriot Act has done to the Constitution.
The year started with Barack Obama's plan to provide healthcare, and while he didn't give liberals what they wanted--true socialized medicine--he did put us on the path for the next broken healthcare system that politicians will soon believe they have a mandate to fix by further pushing the idea of total socialist medicine in the United States.
The real kicker in Obamacare is the fact it will force all Americans to purchase health insurance. This is one of the freedom-killing provisions in the new law. The very idea the federal government under the direction of the soft tyrant known as Obama can force you to engage in commerce destroys the very idea of freedom. It takes away your right to choose, and honestly the bill doen't have Americans' best interests in mind. It has the best interests of the insurance companies, who will make huge profits for the next few years knowing they have been placed on the path for total government takeover once medical costs skyrocket under the plan.
Of course Republicans are going around saying they will repeal Obamacare; however, if you listen carefully, you will find that many Republicans like what is in the healthcare law and aren't fighting it from a Constitutional standpoint, just like Congressman-elect Billy Long who stated there are lots of things in the healthcare bill that are good, but the problem is we can't afford it. When has that ever stopped the federal government before? There is a reason we have a $14 trillion debt and rising.
I don't count on Republicans repealing Obamcare. First, they don't have the numbers in Congress to repeal it, plus you have idiots like Billy Long pointing out there are things that need to be saved in Obamacare. I have a bad feeling Obamacare will live on, and when it's broken, and it will be broken, liberals will push for more socialized medicine while the Republicans scream but we have to save Obamacare to fight the Democrats next effort of more control.
Second, Republicans have proved they don't have any backbone. This is the reason Barack Obama is top of the list. In the past few weeks, I have watched Republicans ride the wave of anger in America directed at an out of control federal government both in spending and federal powers, which have turned limited government into soft tyranny.
The GOP had the support of a majority of the American people to go to Washington and fight against this thing called leviathan and within weeks of the election results the GOP compromised with Barack Obama in a tax cuts for more government spending deal that some are labeling a stimulus package. The GOP rushed the gun and gave Obama another up to $900 billion in federal stimulus spending just to get a two year extension of tax cuts.
In two years, these tax cuts will expire while another near trillion will be added to the debt. The Republican compromise gives Obama fuel for reelection. He will blame the debt on the Republicans insistence on tax cuts and make the argument tax cuts don't work. Of course, you will see how the debt ballooned in those two years thanks to this deal which will be forgotten by many.
In making the compromise, the Republicans already broke their Pledge to America, which promised a cut in federal spending. However, they just allowed the federal government to spend more, which also means in February, they are going to have to vote to raise the debt ceiling from $14 trillion to who knows? $16 trillion, maybe $17 trillion?
All the Republicans had to do was follow Nancy Reagan's advice and just say no. Then sometime next week push a bill through the House that made the tax cuts retroactive to January 1, 2011, without the need for more "stimulus." It was really that easy. The Republicans proved they have no backbone and Obama is really the winner in this mess as he has put the Republicans in position to be challenged by the Tea Party movement, and frankly I am just sickened by what I have seen.
Thank you to everyone who has visited BBCW this past year. The numbers are more than I could ever believe. Nearly 350,000 hits and over half a million page views in 2010. Thanks!