FCC Passes Net Neutrality Regulations: More Bureaucratic Nonsense of Regulations Without Representation

Does Congress even matter anymore? Time and again in the Obama administration, whether it be the EPA, the Department of Homeland Security, and now the Federal Communications Commissions, more and more bureaucracies are bypassing Congress and forcing their own beliefs upon the 50 states. Net neutrality is another example of this, as the FCC waited until Christmas when they knew the major talk show hosts and pundits would be on Christmas break and the country wouldn't notice that more rights and liberties were just taken away from Americans.

Eric Dolan writes:

By a 3-2 vote Tuesday, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) passed so-called “Net Neutrality” rules aimed at prohibiting internet service providers (ISPs) from discriminating between Internet traffic.

Supporters of “Net Neutrality” have been disappointed by the proposed rules, saying they heavily favor the industry they are supposed to regulate.

Democratic Commissioners Mignon Clyburn and Michael Copps both voted with Chairman Julius Genachowski in favor of the new rules, despite saying they believed the Open Internet Order to be too weak.

So what is the point of Congress if these bureaucracies are passing laws with no Constitutional authority and without a vote from anyone in the United States to serve as an elected representative to pass laws and regulations? This is tyranny and it continues to raise its ugly head throughout Obama's bureaucracies.