Will the Food Safety Act Really Protect Consumers?: A Monsanto Truth That May be Overlooked

The Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010 has stalled in Congress, but it's not dead. There should be serious concerns for all Americans about whether it will truly deliver safer food. The bill makes it harder for organic farmers using traditional farming methods to bring their products to market while the bio-tech industry led by bully Monsanto has an easier road to get their genetically mutated modified crops to market. Is the name safety just another federal illusion like we see in so many other sectors of government like the TSA.

Of course it is. Safety is the ultimate government catch phrase these days that is leading to the loss of liberty. Dumb Americans captivated by American Idol and Dancing with the Stars are buying into this idea it's the federal government's job to keep them safe. However, like the TSA has been caught lying about the radiation exposure with the naked full body scanners, which now a Congressman admits is 20 times greater than the manufacturers and the TSA claim, the USDA has also been caught lying to the American people about the safety of food, specifically GMO's and if the Food Safety Modernization bill passes, it's only going to get worse.

After 16 years of non-stop biotech bullying and force-feeding Genetically Engineered or Modified (GE or GM) crops to farm animals and "Frankenfoods" to unwitting consumers, Monsanto has a big problem, or rather several big problems. A growing number of published scientific studies indicate that GE foods pose serious human health threats. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) recently stated that "Several animal studies indicate serious health risks associated with GM food," including infertility, immune problems, accelerated aging, faulty insulin regulation, and changes in major organs and the gastrointestinal system. The AAEM advises consumers to avoid GM foods. Before the FDA arbitrarily decided to allow Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) into food products in 1994, FDA scientists had repeatedly warned that GM foods can set off serious, hard-to-detect side effects, including allergies, toxins, new diseases, and nutritional problems. They urged long-term safety studies, but were ignored. http://www.responsibletechnology.org

The article goes on to show the USDA doesn't seem to worry about any of these reports coming from medical journals. The Organic Consumers Association points out the USDA is talking about co-existence between Big Bio-Tech Ag companies and smaller organic operations. A closer look shows how Monsanto continues to bully certain organizations out of the USDA's co-existence meetings.

The Agriculture Department is dutifully drafting a comprehensive "coexistence policy" that supposedly will diffuse tensions between conventional (chemical but non-GMO), biotech, and organic farmers. Earlier this week industry and Administration officials met in Washington, D.C. to talk about coexistence. Even though the Organic Consumers Association tried to get into the meeting, we were told we weren't welcome. The powers that be claim that the OCA doesn't meet their criteria of being "stakeholders." The unifying theme in these closed-door meetings is apparently that Monsanto and the other biotech companies will set aside a "compensation" fund to reimburse organic farmers whose crops or fields get contaminated. That way we'll all be happy. Monsanto, Bayer, Syngenta, Dow, and Dupont will continue planting their hazardous crops and force-feeding animals and consumers with GMOs. Organic farmers and companies willing to cooperate will get a little compensation or "hush money." But of course our response to Monsanto and the USDA's plan, as you might have guessed, is hell no!

There can be no such thing as "coexistence" with a reckless and monopolistic industry that harms human health, destroys biodiversity, damages the environment, tortures and poisons animals, destabilizes the climate, and economically devastates the world's 1.5 billion seed-saving small farmers. Enough talk of coexistence. We need a new regime that empowers consumers, small farmers, and the organic community. We need a new set of rules, based on "truth-in-labeling" and the "precautionary principle" - consumer and farmer-friendly regulations that are basically already in place in the European Union - so that "we the people" can regain control over Monsanto, indentured politicians, and the presently out-of-control technology of genetic engineering.

Still, with the word safety abused once again, there seems to be no effort on the part of the United States government to examine the dangers of GMO foods. They are only pushing forward, and as we find out with WikiLeaks, playing the bio-tech bully too.