In the next few months, video monitors reminding of George Orwell's 1984 will become a part of our every day lives. They are part of the new American police state as the Department of Homeland Security and Big Sis Janet Napolitano tells people as they shop at Walmart, the mall, and attend sporting events, "if you see something, say something."
Well, it's obvious now DHS only wants to know what Americans are doing. You see, an anonymous pilot saw something and said something on YouTube about the inefficiencies of the TSA, and guess what, Big Sis and the Department of Homeland Security didn't want to hear anything of what the man had to say. In fact, federal officials disciplined the pilot for speaking out against the Untied States government. It really puts the whole "if you see something, say something perspective" into clear focus. Tell on your neighbor, but you better not speak up against Big Sis, the TSA, DHS, or this new oppression coming from Washington DC.
The 50-year-old anonymous pilot saw huge holes in the TSA's security procedures at airports around the country, and he used his cell phone to record these holes, posting them on YouTube. Within the week, Big Sis Janet Napolitano's goons reprimanded the pilot for pointing out the TSA's flaws (he saw something, he said something) by confiscating his federally issued fire arm he carried on the planes he flew to keep the air safer and asking him to surrender his conceal and carry permit.
All this man did was post a few interesting facts like there is a two-foot ax inside the flight deck that appears more dangerous than any box cutter.
So, what do we really learn about "if you see something, say something" from all of this. The whole program was never designed to increase safety, or this pilot wouldn't be scrutinized by Big Sis and the Department of Homeland Security. It further proves "if you see something, say something" is really about further compliance of the Fourth Amendment procedures of the Department of Homeland Security while also conditioning Americans to become part of Big Sis's family. In other words, it asks for Americans to join the police state by becoming the eyes and ears for the police state, but don't you go telling DHS what they are doing wrong. It will cost you.
This isn't about increasing safety against terrorism. If it was, the pilot would have been treated like a friend and flown to Washington to discuss the safety shortcomings of the TSA. The Department of Homeland Security is the major component of the American police state, and the pilot proves how hypocritical the organization really is. They don't care about safety--only destroying more of your Constitutional rights.