The Post Office may be the next government entity to join Big Sis Janet Napolitano and Eric Holder's police state network. Michael Ravnitzky, chief counsel to the chairman of the Postal Regulatory Commission, has described a plan to retrofit mail trucks to turn the US Postal Service into a KGB like police force. I know, it sounds like it's April 1 in American and not three days before Christmas, but this stuff is happening.
Ravnitzky wrote in the New York Times last week:
“The service’s thousands of delivery vehicles have only one purpose now: to transport mail. But what if they were fitted with sensors to collect and transmit information about weather or air pollutants? The trucks would go from being bulky tools of industrial-age communication to being on the cutting edge of 21st-century information-gathering and forecasting.”
“Data collection wouldn’t require much additional staff or resources; all it would take would be a small, cheap and unobtrusive sensor package mounted on each truck,” writes Ravnitzky.
While Ravnitzky's plan sounds noble in some regards, let's not forget the Washington Post's article last week which described how the American police state is being formed. If the sensors collect data, do you have any doubt they will collect data about Americans and not just potholes and weather.
Knowing Congress has raped the postal pension fund, don't you think the United States Postal Service, which used to operate in the black and still doesn't receive one dime of US taxpayer money, looking for a way out to relieve pension pains? Government funding to join the police state might be an attractive lure to turn your friendly neighborhood postman into Janet Napolitano's next "if you see something say something" snitch.
Geez, Mr. Jones is sure receiving a lot of international overnight packages. I better report it with this on-board postal computer linked to the Department of Homeland Security so the feds can keep an eye on Mr. Jones.