US Government Threatening Europe in Hopes of Forcing GMO Crops Upon Them

The United States most powerful natural resource is its ability to feed the world. It's rich farm lands create an abundance of crops in such quantity, it may be what eventually saves the United States as our once great industrial nation is dismantled through a number of factors including unproven and politically motivated environmentalism.

A discovered WikiLeak shows just how the United States may be engineering the world's dependence on US grown food in some very evil ways. With no surprise, the name Monsanto is involved.

Monsanto of course is one of the companies who have played with God's design and continue to engineer genetically modified seeds, and have worked with the United States government to design sterile terminator seeds that don't reproduce. These seeds would allow the seed to grow a plan that produces seeds that won't produce life for the next planting cycle forcing dependence on Monsanto for seeds the next year over the method man has used for thousands of years, which is remove the seeds from the fruits, vegetables, and grains to plant for the next year. He who owns the seeds that grow has the ultimate power on earth. Don't ever forget that.

So it's with no surprise that a WikiLeaks document dated December 14, 2007 titled "Mission Paris" shows the United States was putting pressure on the European Union, who was in the process of working to ban GMO bio-engineered seeds, and would have created a "retaliation list" if Europe decided to move forward with banning GMOs.

“Mission Paris recommends that that the [United States government] reinforce our negotiating position with the EU on agricultural biotechnology by publishing a retaliation list when the extend ‘Reasonable Time Period’ expires,” Stapleton wrote. “Europe is moving backwards not forwards on this issue with France playing a leading role, along with Austria, Italy and even the [European] Commission.”

Currently Monsanto's GMO corn is banned in Europe, although it has already polluted fields in Ireland. The Europeans have become far more vocal against GMOs than Americans have, and they continue to pressure the European Union to continue to ban the evil Monsanto genetically modified foods. There are no documents found in WikiLeaks at this time showing whether or not the United States carried out a retaliation list against its European friends.