It's Almost Time for Bungalow Bill's Wacky Liberal of the Year

It's almost time again to take a look back at the most wacky liberals of the year. Hard to believe another year has gone by and we are going to name a third BBCW Wacky Liberal of the Year. Remember, we count down the top ten like Casey Kasem on the last ten days of the year and announce the winner on New Year's Eve.

There will be some surprises in this year as a couple RINOs made the list It's the first time ever, but someone has got to call out the DeceptiCONS for who they are.

So, let's look at the two previous years of Bungalow Bill's Wacky Liberal of the Year.

For 2009, the top wacky liberals of the year were:

10. Adam Lambert

9. Claire McCaskill

8. The Climate Crooks

7. Mam Barbara Boxer

6. Susan Roesgen

5. Diane Watson

4. Obama's Tax Cheats

3. Nancy Pelosi

2. Rachel Maddow

1. Chris Matthews

The top wacky liberals of 2008 are as follows:

8. Al Gore

7. Joe Biden

6. Louis Farrakhan

5. Keith Olbermann

4. Barney Frank

3. Jeremiah Wright

2. Father Michael Phleger

1. Robert Byrd with honorable mention to Peggy Joseph