Billy Long's Cheesy First Speech in Congress: Silk Purse and Sow's Ears

Thank God for political speech writers. Billy Long actually sounded intelligent on the House floor, that is until Long injected his own blend of rhetoric into his first one-minute speech on the House floor. Before we get into this, isn't ironic that in speech Long reminds voters he took an oath just two weeks ago to uphold the Constitution. This of course comes one week after Billy Long had federal officers investigate a blogger for criticizing Congressman Long, a valid form of political free speech. You have a funny way of showing that you are upholding the Constitution Mr. Long.

Anyway, Like I said, Mr. Long was doing just fine in his first one-minute speech, and then he began talking about silk purses, sow's ears, and cheese. Those who have watched Long advance to the title of Congressman know he often uses the little analogies that really go nowhere but further prove Long is clueless when it comes to politics. I believe they are known as fillers, and these fillers are making us look like a bunch of Jethro hillbillies living in the Ozarks.

I can't figure out where Billy Long stands on healthcare. I mean during the campaign Mr. Long exclaimed there was lots of things about the Obamacare that are good. During the interview Mr. Long threw the free market under the bus in support of more government regulations, specifically forcing insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions. As well, Long told Sarah Steelman in another interview that he supports major parts of the healthcare bill like forcing insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions and considering 26 year olds children so they can milk off their parents coverages.