Sam Graves Considering Jumping into 2012 US Senate Race in Missouri

The Hill reports Missouri Congressman Sam Graves may be preparing to challenge Sarah Steelman for the 2012 US Senate Race.

"I certainly wouldn't want to close the door on it. It's something that I look at and kind of evaluate and we'll see what happens," he said in an interview. "There's a great opportunity to take back that Senate seat."

It may depend on what Graves accomplishes this year. He currently serves on the House Small Business Committee.

"There's some things that I really want to accomplish there," he said.

If Graves enters the race, it raises the potential for a nasty race between Sarah Steelman, who upset many Republicans by running a negative race against Kenny Hulshof in the 2008 Missouri governors race. She was also quick to attack Roy Blunt with negative attention as she sat on the fence deciding whether or not to join the 2010 Senate race.

Of course Graves has close ties to Jeff Roe, who is no stranger to dirty politics. If Republicans don't mind their manners, Claire McCaskill may gain a slight advantage. Considering the history, I don't expect a love fest come next year.