We know Congress is irrelevant to Obama. Last month with cap and trade held up in the Senate, Obama used the executive order and bureaucratic processes to begin regulating carbon emissions without the approval of Congress through the EPA. Had Republicans lived up to their promises of ending the EPA and other bureaucracies, they may have trumped Obama on this one before he overstepped the system of checks and balances in the federal government.
Now it appears Obama is crossing that line again. This time, Obama is making the judicial branch irrelevant. With a federal judges ruling that Obamacare is unconstitutional and the federal government cannot mandate Americans to purchase healthcare insurance, the Obama administration is ignoring the ruling. My friends, our federal government is crumbling because the tyrant in the White House doesn't play by the rules while claiming he is a Constitutional scholar.
From CBS News:
The White House officials said that the ruling would not have an impact on implementation of the law, which is being phased in gradually. (The individual mandate, for example, does not begin until 2014.) They said that states cannot use the ruling as a basis to delay implementation in part because the ruling does not rest on “anything like a conventional Constitutional analysis.” Twenty-six states were involved in the lawsuit.
In other words, Obama once again is sticking his middle finger to the Constitution and the other two branches of government. These are the actions of a tyrannical dictator. In American government, once you are challenged, you don't change the rules to get your way. That's exactly what Obama is doing.