Sarah Steelman a Hypocrite on Fighting Terrorism: Steelman Invested in Companies that Support Terrorism

Sarah Steelman may sound like she is tough on terrorism, but the real Sarah Steelman engages in behavior she denounces. The St. Louis Dispatch exposes the Steelman hypocrisy today. They point out since the 9/11 terror attacks, Steelman has asked Missourians not to support companies that do business with terrorist states and organization. It appears when it comes to investing, Steelman has no problems putting money in her pocket from these same companies she claims we should avoid.

Former Missouri Treasurer Sarah Steelman has encouraged avoiding investing in companies that do business in countries that sponsor terrorism, but a newspaper reports she had also invested in such companies.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that financial statements show that while she was touting terrorism-free investing, Steelman owned mutual funds that bought stock in companies engaged in activities she had denounced.

Steelman, a Republican, is running for the Senate seat held by Democrat Claire McCaskill. The Post says Steelman owned mutual funds with interest in an oil firm that works in sanctioned nations. Another fund bought a stake in a Russian conglomerate that has an agreement with Iran.

Oh yeah, do I need to mention she also claims to be Tea Party and to be a political outsider as well?