Gerald R. Ford International Airport Fires a Public Service Union: Parking Lot Union Gone

Michigan has become a grave yard because of many liberal ideas and policies including the Marxist idea of the collective known in America as the labor union. It is a sector of unions that are killing state budgets everywhere, as public service unions have demanded unreasonable benefits to do average jobs and the states are now paying the price, often with the mismanagement of pensions and other benefits. At the Gerald R. Ford International Airport in Grand Rapids, the airport board has had enough.

They are firing the parking lot union, a public service union, and hiring a private company to run its parking lot. The savings to the airport by firing the union even after employee wage concession is factored in is estimated at nearly $2 million a year. According to the board president, the airport expects to save somewhere between $1.5 and $1.9 million by firing their public service union.

Let's hope this becomes a trend for states who face budget woes.