Does Plato's Cave Apply to Life in America as Freedoms are Dying

Four years ago, I reread Plato's Cave. The Cave is an allegory for knowledge, what we see and understand, what we don't know, and how it can be manipulated to make us look away to not see what is really  happening. It seems like it offers a good lesson as many Americans are in denial about our liberty and freedoms being robbed from us. They see a Constitution and claim it could never happen in the United States, but it is happening in the United States whether its the Department of Homeland Security and their checkpoints, the Obama administration pushing for more tracking and wiretapping of Americans, or local law enforcement denying your Fourth Amendment rights pulling you over to interrogate you simply for getting in your car at a DUI checkpoint.

The Constitution and the Fourth of July rhetoric has become a cave that limits most people's vision. All the while, it's being destroyed in the name of security. I guess the question is when is it you break the chains that bind you in the cave and look at the truth before the cave becomes something unrecognizable for life in America?