Glenn Beck led off yesterday's show condemning Congressman Billy Long for abusing his powers and launching an FBI witch hunt of a blogger who simply disagreed with him. Beck told his large radio audience, "American citizens are being investigated for simply asking their congressmen questions." If you listen to the audio, Beck assumes because of Long's actions that he is a Democrat. No, Long, who has been telling the Washington DC Press Corp, he was Tea Party before Tea Party was cool, abused his federal powers to come down on a Tea Partier who criticized him and is a Republican. Mike Church, the Sirius Patriot radio host calls Billy Long's type of Republican a Decepticon. As well, local radio station host Nick Reed wondered how a Republican Congressman could abuse his federal powers and attack free speech like this claiming he woke up in a whole new strange world, especially after getting an e-mail the same day of the Missouri State College Republicans calling for more regulations on businesses.
Long has exposed his true colors and the Tea Parties should take note, this wasn't very tea party, especially with Long and Sheriff Jim Arnott, who came into Christian County on this matter without Christian County Sheriff Joey Kyle's knowledge, not have a legitimate threat made against the Congressman at any time using the word perceived threat. Now remember, if Congressmen can perceive a threat to go after their political enemies in hopes of silencing them, then free speech is really in trouble.
Here is the Glenn Beck show from yesterday. This was the lead story, and I want to thank Glenn Beck for sharing with our great Republic that this abuse of power is happening in hopes others won't have to be harassed by their "Tea Party Republican" Congressman either.
The question that Long was asked that Beck was referring to was caught in a number of videos on the campaign trail, which Long refused to engage with voters while making public appearances.