Drudge Report Features Congressman Long's Abuse of Power to Hush Critical Blogger

You play with fire and you are going to get burned. There are no truer words in life, words Congressman Long obviously doesn't understand in his first month in office. Claiming to be Tea Party, Congressman Long used the Gabrielle Giffords' tragedy to pursue his most vocal critic, a blogger. Long soon found out news spreads in Washington DC like wild fire compared to back home in the local district where advertising dollars from his real estate companies buy good press.

Matt Drudge, along with Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Alex Jones all condemned the Congressman citing his actions as over the top and with great concern. It's obvious our First Amendment right in this country is under attack, and this time we have a self-proclaimed Tea Party candidate on the attack, ready to kill off the First Amendment all because he doesn't like the criticism.