"Tea Party Before Tea Party Was Cool..." Really Congressman Long?

Billy Long hit Washington DC ready to deliver sound bites from the time he got off the airplane for freshman orientation. Since then he hasn't stopped. For a man who told the Springfield News-Leader he doesn't run to a camera or microphone every time one is offered, Long seems to have no problems finding the Washington Press Corp as the local Southwest Missouri media appears to have no access to the Tea Party.

In light of recent events, one Billy Long sound bite continues to resonate in my head. It was one of the first sound bites the Washington press heard and printed. With evidence of Billy Long's federal abuse of power this week, I think its clear that we can clearly say Billy Long's sound bites come with no conviction.

"We've been tea party before tea party was cool." Billy Long, November 2010 after winning his seat in Congress

I consider myself Tea Party, but I don't go around trying to silence people who don't speak the way I would like them too or criticize my views. Mr. Long's office, according to Sheriff Jim Arnott claims they perceived a threat from this blogger (not an actual threat), which led the way for the FBI to pay a visit to my house, but isn't the only people making threats here Billy Long's office?

If the Congressman is willing to use his federal powers to silence his political opponents then the real threat here is the threat Billy Long is making against the First Amendment.

Here's another sound bite Billy Long gave shortly before he decided to skip the reading of the Constitution, a significant event for the power the Tea Party gained in such a short period of time. Long decided to meet with a lobbyist instead and tweeted about it as the reading of the Constitution was taking place on the House floor.

Standing outside the House speaker's lobby, Rep. Billy Long (R., Mo.) reached into his back pocket and pulled out a worn-looking maroon edition with folded corners. "Like a horse, it's rode hard and put away wet," quipped Mr. Long, a freshman who boasts of never having previously held elected office.--Wall Street Journal

I have read a lot in the last 24 hours since Glenn Beck condemned Billy Long for his attack on free speech, and I don't think anyone has said it better than Southwest Missouri blogger Randy Turner on his Turner Report blog:

How ironic is it that someone who prides himself in carrying around a copy of the U. S. Constitution fails to grasp the meaning of the First Amendment?

Like Long is Wrong or hate it, it is protected under political free speech. There were never any threats made on the site, in person, or through any other means. The fact that a US Congressman abused his power all because a blog criticized him is something all Americans should be worried about. There is no room for a witch hunt in American against people who engage in the political process and criticize their elected leader whether it be a mayor, congressman, or president. As well, the worst part of this all, is Billy Long will probably continue trying to convince you he is "Tea Party" even after attacking our Bill of Rights.