Government cheese three times a day. That's right! Did you know the federal government operates a child dinner program? Obviously we know the presence of the federal government with no Constitutional authority is already at the breakfast and lunch tables as school lunch programs were expanded, but now the federal government is preparing to expand its Child Dinner program.
Currently 13 states are offered assistance to by the federal government in offering third meal operations. Now, I don't know about you, but every government meal I have eaten since day one that I traded 50 cents for a green tray at the school cafeteria has consisted of processed food and this include chow in the military. Remember the Salisbury steak day or the fried pork chop. Heck the meat at McDonald's looks healthier. Yet, Obama says he wants to fight a war against childhood obesity.
Please tell me how a plate of government cheese (processed meat products and other mystery foods) is going to fight obesity when processed foods are part of the problem according to knowledgeable nutritionists. Not to mention, all the other questionable food practices which the FDA tends to ignore research by scientists in order to keep food costs down like high fructose corn syrup.
Obama has a dream. He has a dream that children across the nation will be fed from the federal trough. It kind of reminds me of those signs I see when I hike in Missouri Conservation areas begging you not to feed the animals because it's unnatural and creates dependency. I think you know where I am going with this.
As National Review points out, this isn't just about starving kids. This is about ALL children. This is about the federal government having more control over what you feed your children, which we see throughout the nation as companies like McDonald's are being pressured to take the "happy" out of their meals.
USDA undersecretary Kevin Concannon announced the expansion last week, saying the goal “is to make sure that kids are getting adequately fed and getting nutritious food.” But the Obama administration isn’t just hoping to help a few underfed kids. Asked last year about the administration’s goals with regards to child nutrition, Concannon revealed a much more ambitious agenda, saying “our goal is to provide a systematic and a reliable way for children across the country to get adequate nutrition 365 days a year.”
That really sums it up. The Obama administration seeks to feed this nation’s children all year round — not just when school is in session. Another example of this year-round feeding frenzy is the $350 million Congress appropriated last year for the Summer Food Service Program, which provides nearly 2 million children with up to three meals per day during the summer months.
Listen, I don't want any child to starve, but there are plenty of charitable organizations throughout this country that would do a much better job, fall within the limits of the Constitution, and would without a doubt provide a healthier meal than the USDA stamp of approval mystery meats that come in government boxes for cafeterias across the country. If this is truly about good nutrition, which shouldn't be a concern of the federal government, well years of strange looking meat plopped upon a child's plate should concern all parents when it comes to the federal government wanting to supply nutrition 24/7/365.