Billy Long just got his committee assignments for the House of Representatives. He will serve on the Transportation and Infrastructure committee as well as the Homeland Security Committee. I am actually quite excited because we will soon see if Billy Long is true to the Constitution or the big government who is using Homeland Security to gobble up our rights.
If Billy Long is Tea Party before the Tea Party was cool champion that he has been bragging about to the Washington establishment and news media, then he will use his position to fight against the intrusive Fourth Amendment killing police state called the Department of Homeland Security that is expanding from airports to bus stations to even your neighborhood Walmart. So far, Billy Long hasn't said much about American wives being felt up at airports and the TSA putting their hands down the pants of airline passengers. Rather, he has complained about the free market at work in the airline industry.
At Reagan Sat. I found out what a pair of Cowboy Boots weighs. AirTran asked $49 + $20 bag fee for 3 extra lbs., boots out -3.5 lbs #TMIDesk
10:09 AM Nov 21st via Mobile Web
Do you think Billy Long by committing to the Homeland Security role in Congress believes it comes with perks similar to what he enjoyed at the Metropolitan Grill--a real hands on experience?