Recycled losers--that's the best way to describe the current state of the GOP's quest for Claire McCaskill's Senate seat in 2012. Sarah Steelman was quick out of the box to announce her bid for the US Senate, just a month after the midterm and has gained national attention for doing so. She of course couldn't win in the GOP gubernatorial primary against Kenny Hulshof.
Now another GOP loser is hoping to be recycled. According the National Journal, Ed Martin, who lost to the biggest political dolt (Russ Carnahan) in the state of Missouri in November, is thinking about announcing his candidacy for the US Senate as well. The Journal writes:
Ed Martin For Senate? Republican Ed Martin, who ran and lost this year to Rep. Russ Carnahan (D- Mo.), is putting out feelers about a possible Senate run for Sen. Claire McCaskill's (D) Missouri seat, according to a source familiar with Martin's deliberations.
Martin is said to be a likely contender if -- and only if -- former Sen. Jim Talent (R) passes on the race. Talent has said he'll make an announcement about whether he is running after the New Year.
A Tea Party favorite, Martin would start out a long shot in the race but he could pose problems for former state Treasurer Sarah Steelman, who is already in the race and is courting Tea Party support. But local Tea Party groups haven't pledged their support to Steelman yet and, in fact, some opposition research on Steelman was circulated -- anonymously -- to media outlets on Tuesday intended to show that Steelman would have a hard time earning Tea Party backing.
One other factor in Martin's decision making is reapportionment. Missouri is projected to lose a congressional seat. If it does, Martin is said to be more inclined to run for the Senate. If it doesn't, he'll likely make another run for the House.
So why is the GOP keeps retreading the same losers over and over thinking they deserve shot after shot? Why not bring up some fresh talent that has a real backbone, will be honest with voters (something both Martin and Steelman have lost credibility over), and is a true conservative? There are others in the state of Missouri that would do a far better job at defending the Constitution in the United States Senate than Ed Martin and Sarah Steelman would, both who have records of looking out for their own interests in Missouri government.
Why not encourage someone like Jefferson County's Paul Curtman to run for the United States Senate? It's been said Curtman doesn't just know the Constitution, he is fluent in the Constitution. How many politicians can you make that claim for? Not many.
A true political outsider and tea partier, Curtman proven record of leadership in the Marine Corps and a proven record in government as an independent conservative thinker, we need to bring up candidates who aren't retreads election after election like Martin and Steelman, we need to bring up candidates like Curtman who truly believe in the Constitution and won't be easily influenced by the sins of Washington DC.
Take the time to listen to Curtman and then push the play button and listen to Sarah Steelman, and then ask yourself do you want the same old recycled losers in 2012, or do you want someone with proven leadership who has put his life on the line to defend the Constitution and understands what the Founding Fathers envisioned when they wrote it. Paul Curtman is that man.
Now after listening to Curtman, listen to Sarah Steelman who claims she is the Tea Party candidate for US Senate.