It's all Sarah Palin's fault. Yes, that's what is being said about the tragic shooting this past weekend of Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford and the deaths of six Americans. I told you they were going to spin this on the Tea Party and the faces of the Tea Parties.
From the Washington Post:
Rep. James P. Moran Jr. (D-Va.), a friend of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' (D-Ariz.) since she was elected to the House, said Sunday she told him just a week and a half ago that she was worried about the potential for violence back home. Giffords is currently in intensive care after a shooting that left six dead and 14 injured.
"Gabby did tell me that she was concerned," Moran said. "She did say it's really bad out there, particularly in a district like [hers]. She was very much troubled that Sarah Palin put her in the crosshairs."
Moran said Giffords explained that, unlike in his Northern Virginia district, "a substantial percentage" of her district was "anti-government and pro-gun" --- a potentially dangerous mix.
Palin's "Take Back the 20" campaign came under renewed fire after Saturday's deadly shooting. The 2010 midterm election campaign featured a map with crosshairs over Giffords' district, along with the districts of 19 other Democratic lawmakers who voted for the health-care bill.
So it has nothing to do with Jared Loughner being a sick, mentally deranged person. This is now Sarah Palin's fault in the mind of some liberals like the sick, mentally deranged Congressman Moran. How sick is it of Congressman Moran to politicize this shooting in hopes of destroying Sarah Palin? It's very sick. Congressman Moran needs help.