Tea Parties Need to Keep Close Eye on "Tea Party" Republicans and Lobbyists

More and more of these Republicans claiming to be Tea Party are showing their true colors early on in their new careers. For Congressman Billy Long, he went to Washington claiming to be "Tea Party before Tea Party was cool." Less than a week at his new job, he skipped the most symbolic gesture of the power of the Tea Party--the reading of the United States Constitution on the House floor. Congressman Long tweeted he met with a lobbyist instead.

Now we have another GOP legislator in Missouri that appears to have missed the Tea Party message which states this is a government of the people, for the people, by the people and not a government of special relationships with lobbyists. One has to wonder how long it will be before she this GOP legislator requests free Jenny Craig meals. However, there may be foul play involved.

According to her Facebook page, just three weeks into office, it appears Republican Donna Lichtenegger, has already sold her soul to those pesky lobbyists who put the big money interests before the interests of the people. She writes:

"I love lobbyist! All the free food and stuff you get. This job is awesome!"

Sounds like she's at a trade show in Jefferson City filling up a bag of free goodies. Good grief!

Fortunately, her constituents weren't impressed. Just look at the responses to her Facebook entry:

The Tea Party endorsed Licthenegger in her race for the 157th district. Ouch! I wonder if they will repeat their endorsement in two years if this continues.

Lichtenegger has issued a statement. She blames the post on hackers.

To my Facebook Fans, I want you to know that my Facebook page has been hacked today. As I was traveling back home this afternoon someone decided to hack into my Facebook and write this false statement about me liking lobbiest and getting lots of free food. First of all I'm not eating most of the food at the Capitol because I've plegded to myself to loose the freshman 15 instead of gaining. The last posting I placed was to let folks know how to recieve my Capitol Report. Sorry for the statement. Donna

Donna, "Facebook Fans?" Seriously? Wouldn't constituents work better. You are not a rock star. You are a legislator. King George wanted loyal fans, and we fought a revolution against that kind of thinking. More importantly, did you report the hacking to law enforcement officials? That's the real question here, not the freshman 15 you hope to lose.

The bottom line here, whether this was the result of hacking or a critical misstep that opened the eyes of the Tea Party and her political enemies, these new breed of politicians claiming to be Tea Party need to walk a fine line when it comes to the influence of lobbyists.