He embraces socialism, and in 2007 told business leaders buinesses are going to have a tough time surviving without government intervention. You know government picks the winners and losers like they have in the case of General Motors' survival and of course General Electrics own survival.
He embraces outsourcing of American jobs. Through his leadership at General Electric, GE has become on of our countries top employers looking to places like China to do the work Americans once did.
Yet, with his pathetic record as a business leader, in which GE stock lost a great share of its values and received billions of your tax dollars in bailouts, Obama has done the unthinkable again. He has appointed GE's Jeffrey Immelt to run Obama's Obama's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness. That's right, we have a business leader that basically supports the idea of Bourgeois socialism--government picks the winners and losers, and a man who is one of the nation's top exporter of jobs to tell Obama how to create jobs.
Stimulus didn't work. Immelt isn't going to work. Can we afford strike three?