She had no problem standing by Obama and putting her yea vote next to Obamacare in the Senate. Now she appears to be running from Obamacare.
Claire McCaskill is reconsidering alternatives to the unpopular healthcare law knowing her bid for reelection is now less than two years away and Republicans have momentum. Sarah Steelman, whose about as ditzy as Claire herself, has already announced she will be running, although some in the tea party are already attacking her. Jim Talent also may announce, and there seems to be a movement in hopes Paul Curtman runs for the GOP nod. However, when it comes to freedom, Claire Mama Caskill still doesn't get it.
From the Kansas City Star:
Sen. Claire McCaskill’s once rock-solid support for a key component of President Barack Obama’s national health care reform law appears to be wavering.
While saying she still backs the individual mandate portion of the law — the controversial section requiring that virtually every individual carry health insurance or pay a penalty — the Missouri Democrat said Thursday that she is searching for alternatives.
“I think there are different things we could look at to see if they would work, and I’m open to that,” she said.
But the key here, and don't forget this, is Claire voted for Obamacare, and only now that she faces losing in 2012 does she reconsider alternatives. Secondly, she still supports the federal government forcing citizens to engage in commerce, and idea that is truly unconstitutional. Of course, Claire McCaskill knows little about the Constitution. She justified her vote using the general welfare clause without ever reading Federalist 41 to know the general welfare clause does not provide government the authority to provide social welfare and healthcare.