Congressman Billy Long Skips Reading of Constitution in the House Today

Congressman Billy Long skipped today's important reading of the Constitution. Despite the Republican effort to ensure Congress understands the Constitution and follow its words by reading it today, Congressman Long decided he had better things to do. Better things to do than to work with Republican leadership to ensure the new mood in Washington follows this important document? Yes, it's true.

Despite Billy Long's claim in the Wall Street Journal about his dedication to the Constitution, rode hard and put up wet, Long wasn't even in the Capitol. Instead, he was in his office on Longfellow with former Lieutenant Governor Bill Phelps, which Long gave away by tweeting while the Constitution was being read in the House of Representatives.

Long sent a tweet out at 10:27 am that identified he was not at the Constitution reading. That tweet has been removed from Long's Twitter page from what I can see; however, despite the fact that I am blocked from following Congressman Long on Twitter, all of his new tweets show up as text messages on my telephone. The following tweet was sent at 10:27 am, and probably removed once word started to spread Congressman Long was not at the Constitution reading.

auctnr1: Good to see Lt. Gov. Bill Phelps who just dropped in the office to talk Fair Tax.

Busplunge blogger Jim Lee immediately called Billy Long's office to verify he was not at the Constitution reading today. The following is the phone call Lee made Billy Long's new Congressional office in Washington DC:

Busplunge noted the following on his blog:

Where was Billy Long during the reading of the US Constitution in the House Chamber?

I was watching C-Span and the reps reading the US Constitution on the house chamber floor.

I saw Vicki Hartzler read her sentence, I heard a lot of reps read their sentences. I also saw a lot of empty seats which led me to post this tweet on twitter at around 11:20 AM:

Billy has constantly told us folks down here in MO 7 how important the constitution is to him and how he carries his rode hard and put away wet copy in his hip pocket.

So, when I didn't see him in the chambers during the reading, I thought he might be in the restroom, or maybe taking a break in the house lounge or perhaps in the house cafeteria getting a quick sugar fix or even in the lobby outside John Boehner's office trolling for reporters.


HE WASN'T EVEN IN THE BUILDING!Eight minutes later after my tweet, my Congressman, Bill Long, tweeted this:HE WASN'T EVEN IN THE BUILDING!

Ah jeez.

I just called Billy Long's office to express my disapproval that he wasn't even in the building during the reading of the constitution. The person I spoke to told that Billy had a previous appointment with Mr. Phelps. Billy's tweet makes it appear that Phelps just dropped in to see Billy.

What gives Congressman Long?