I may have to reconsider my thoughts on Sarah Steelman as the "chosen one" for the GOP in 2012. Yesterday's news that Sam Graves may be entering the US Senate race for battle against Claire McCaskill next fall couldn't be good news for Sarah Steelman. Graves is a popular Republican who has stood up against big government even voting against George W. Bush's plan to save the banks, TARP. Those words are going to resonate with the Tea Party more than Steelman's connection with trial lawyers, the establishment, and Democratic operatives, which one anonymous Tea Party under the guise of Francis Marion continues to point out. (Good move considering the itchy trigger finger one Missouri republican had to silence his vocal political critics.)
One has to wonder if Steelman is preparing to fight Graves with the same liberal sexist/feminist victim labels she tried to use against Blunt in the 2010 GOP primary.
“Roy Blunt is another white guy in a suit, and I think the public wants change,” Steelman said. “There’s a good old boys’ network out there that’s hard to penetrate… and it’s not always in the best interest of the party or for conservative principles.”
Be prepared Sam, your likely to be described as just another white guy in a suit, and what a sad argument really considering your record.
One thing is for sure, Sarah Steelman's reputation for running a nasty campaign is going to meet Jeff Roe's (who got his start through Graves) reputation for running a nasty campaign. This is guaranteed to light up the GOP primary season in 2012. I don't think Graves would be tinkering with the idea if he wasn't serious about running, especially considering the relationship dynamics between Graves, Roe, and Steelman.
In the end, when the primary is over, if Graves runs, I predict Steelman will be titled primary loser again, just like in 2008 when she ran for governor and in 2010 when she sat on the fence attacking Senator Blunt negatively only to quit before candidate registration. The question is, like in 2008, how much damage will Steelman cause to the Republican Party in doing so?
Remember, Steelman's negative campaign in the 2008 primary forced Kenny Hulshof to use campaign resources which hurt his chances against Jay Nixon. Of course, all is not lost for Steelman if she does lose. She can continue producing insightful political interviews.