It's Attack of the RINOs. Oh wait, I probably shouldn't say that, especially after last week. So what can I say... Hmmm. Maybe I should just forget the metaphors.
In an NPR story noting Kent Conrad's retirement from the United States Senate, some music to my ears, yes that's better than attack or crosshairs, were written on the paragraphs following. In Maine, it appears the GOP is worried that a Tea Party candidate will be challenging RINO Olympia Snowe. Snowe happens to be a Republican you can never depend on to take the conservative side of the argument.
From NPR:
But Republicans have their worries too. Maine's Olympia Snowe, a moderate, is all but assured of facing a Tea Party challenger in the primary. (Utah's Orrin Hatch may have the same kind of challenge, but the GOP will keep the seat in Utah no matter what happens; Maine is a different story entirely.) And while Scott Brown remains highly popular in Massachusetts, Democrats insist that they won't "pull another Coakley" with their nominee.
Of course Scott Brown is another one of those RINOs too. What a disappointment, but let's get back to Snowe and the Tea Party. This is good news, although many in the Tea Party are watching how quickly those who called themselves Tea Party to get to Congress are quickly consumed by the Washington establishment known as Leviathan.
Just last week you had two "Tea Party" candidates not acting so "Tea Party." You had Congressman Billy Long handing over his enemies list to the FBI in a Nixonesque witch hunt of those who are critical of him in what appears to be an attack on the First Amendment. Then you had Congresswoman Kristi Noem standing up for the establishment telling Tea Partys to be quiet because the Republican Party is going to take care of them. That doesn't make me feel comfortable about what happens to Tea Partiers who become a part of Washington.
For the while, I will be optimistic that Snowe will be challenged by a Constitutional Conservative.