Obamacare is Freedom?: Obama Administration Mocks GOP Effort to Repeal Obamacare

I thought the political tone in Washington was supposed to improve in the wake of the Tuscon shootings. I guess not. The Obama administration is throwing the gauntlet down to protect its new healthcare law, and Obama is using words like freedom to describe the bill. Well, I have news for Mr. Obama, forcing Americans to engage in commerce isn't freedom, and forcing insurance companies into doing business the way the federal government tells them to do business isn't freedom either.

In Obama's world freedom is described as a federal safety net. Obama stated Americans deserve the freedom and security of knowing insurance companies can't deny, cap or drop their coverage when they need it most. Since when does freedom come from the government telling what services a private company is going to offer to its customers? This isn't freedom. Freedom is about self-responsibility and not having the government around every corner ready to influence your way of life. Yet, Obama clouds the language now describing government regulations that restrict the free market a symbol of freedom.

Robert Gibbs said something, and I am afraid he is right, but it goes to show this new tone in Washington will be shortly lived. Remember yesterday I described the new love affair between Tom Coburn (R) and Chuck Schumer (D), who will be holding hands at next week's State of the Union Address, which by the way has pushed my favorite show V off the air. Reminds me when I was a kid and Jimmy Carter was president and there was no cable TV. The President is on and he is on all three channels. AHHHHH!

Gibbs has quickly mocked the Republicans efforts to vote to repeal Obamacare. The bottom line, like new tone or not, Gibbs happens to be right on this one. Gibbs described the symbolic vote as not "a serious legislative effort." I wonder how much the GOP will actually fight against Obamacare after this vote? That's my real concern.