Republican Darrell Issa (CA) has many promises of investigations into the Obama administration over the coming year. There is one that needs to come first and it needs to be announced as soon as the new Congress is sworn in this week. There needs to be an investigation of whether or not Obama meets the requirements to be POTUS. In other words, force Obama to produce a real birth certificate and don't take the receipt of birth or a news paper announcement as factual.
This needs to be done first thing. It needs to be either put to rest or if there is evidence that Obama doesn't meet the requirements as outlined in Article II and was in fact born in Kenya, then he needs to be removed from office and the two years of destruction he has set forth needs to be reversed citing he signed these laws while representing himself fraudulently.
The Republicans own the House, and it's time they put it to good use and not waste time putting other investigations first. This is the most important issue dealing with the presidency, and even Obama's loony liberal friends are now asking to see the birth certificate.