I find the following story just sad, especially on the heals of another self-described "Tea Party" Congressman named Billy Long using the FBI in hopes of silencing a vocal critic and his blog. Tea Party Republican Congresswoman Kristi Noem is telling the Tea Party members to chill out and be happy with what this new Congress delivers, even with the talk the Republicans will vote to increase the debt ceiling in the coming weeks.
Newly elected Rep. Kristi Noem, a South Dakota Republican with tea party ties, says critics should simmer down.
"They should stay focused on the results we deliver," Noem said in an interview shortly after taking office. "They pick little fights, but I think in the future they're going to be satisfied with the results and solutions that this Republican Congress brings forth."
Like I said, many of us see what is being delivered. FBI to bloggers homes, debt ceiling increase appearing more likely, division about spending cut promises... Ah jeez! What else can we do but be worried Congresswoman? The transition from Tea Party to establishment appears near completion.