Michael Moore Could Turn Rachel Maddow Straight With This Crazy Rant: If You Own a Gun You Are Racist

If there is a man alive who could turn Rachael Maddow straight, my guess it would be the slob, Michael Moore. Watch this love fest from MSNBC of crazy philosophical idea, which Moore claims people own guns because they are fearful racists.

Mr. Moore, does this apply to the gang bangers in the inner city?

Oh but not so fast. Does this make Rachael Maddow a racist? She likes to shoot guns. Do you remember in September 2009 when Maddow went on a lesbian blind date to the gun range? Do you remember her crazy rant?

Rewind back to Maddow's appearance on the Jimmy Fallon show. Here's part of Maddow's rant:

“My first date with my girlfriend Susan was at a shooting range,” Maddow said. “That was awesome. It was ladies’ day on the range. Her sister is a lifetime NRA member and she was organizing ladies’ day on the range at her gun club. So we did it. We shot AR-15s and we threw tomahawks and we did archery, pistols and skeets.”

“I like making liberals shoot guns – I just don’t think we should be allowed to bring them home,” Maddow said. “It’s like I mean you go to the carnival you know, like the roller coasters – it’s fun. But that doesn’t mean you get one to come home with. Doesn’t mean you get to do your own home roller coaster – just leave it there, it’s a game."

So I guess not. In Maddow's world, it's fun to shoot them like it's a midway carnival game, but you just can't bring the gun home. Isn't it ironic, Maddow uses firearms just like the people who bring them home, and yet she promotes an anti-Second Amendment stand on her show.