The International Baccalaureate Ties to Infanticide (Radical Abortion): Ozark High School Parents Pay Attention

The Ozark School Board is continuing to compromise the values of Ozark in exchange for the views of an international educational governing body known as the International Baccalaureate. This New World Order of education promotes global citizenship over American citizenship and is backed by a group of radicals who I dare say don't share the values of the people of Ozark, Missouri. Yet the school board led by Chuck Fugate and administrators like Dr. Gordon Pace and Dr. Sam Taylor continue moving towards the IB agenda while ignoring the warning signs and not engaging in debate with parents who do the research and discover the truth of the IB.

Well we have another IB tale to tell. The IB has ties to radical abortion similar to Barack Obama's views, who voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act in Illinois. The Born Alive Infant Protection act protected newborn babies from being put in a room to die in the state of Illinois. Obama was the only man in the Illinois Senate to vote against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act.

With this radical view that didn't feel a delivered baby needed to be protected, one has to remember it was Obama and domestic terrorist Bill Ayers who pushed the IB though the Chicago Public Schools. I have no doubt, Obama and Ayers are familiar with Peter Singer, a man the IB looks to for ethical guidance. Like Obama, Singer supports infanticide. Let me repeat, this is a man the IB looks to for ethical guidance.

Similar to his argument for abortion, Singer argues that newborns lack the essential characteristics of personhood—"rationality, autonomy, and self-consciousness"—and therefore "killing a newborn baby is never equivalent to killing a person, that is, a being who wants to go on living."

Apparently school boards like in Bedform, Massachusetts prop this IB soldier up, as noted by Elise Brown, who attended a school board meeting on the IB and then went home and did some homework.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

To the Editor:

I wanted to comment on the recent School Board meeting. During public comments, the IB program referenced Dr. Peter Singer as an ethical guide for students and teachers.

As someone who never heard of Peter Singer, I decided to do some research myself. I found that Dr. Peter Singer supports killing newborn disabled infants and supports elevating animal rights to the level of human rights.

As the aunt of a disabled niece I cannot express how angry I was to hear this information (information that the board never shared with the Bedford community). I wonder how many parents of disabled children in Bedford know this is the person IB turns to for ethical guidance.

It makes me sick to know my tax dollars are going to be used on this program. What’s next? Will they be referencing Mein Kampf as an ethical guide to population control?

I can’t remain silent any longer. I believe the silent majority does not approve of this program and if all of the information were made transparent, this community would not support it in our school.

I also noticed that not one student had the courage to stand up and show any kind of empathy toward the Taylors’ son during the discussion on the “Nickel and Dimed” book. Where were those vocal students who participated in the “Day of Silence?” Is it now open season on Christians in Bedford?

With the emphasis on critical thinking, all I saw was collectivism among the student body. No one had the ability to empathize with their fellow classmate. No one had the courage to acknowledge that he felt personally attacked for his religious beliefs and offer him their support. Only two board members offered an apology.

While I do not know the Taylors, I want to applaud their courage for coming forth with this information for those of us who no longer have children in the public school system.

To feel a sense of attack by the school system by an author who has nothing but contempt for people of faith to have to endure the community’s additional attacks and lack of empathy was difficult to watch.



Believe it or not, this is the kind of education Dr. Pace, an Evangel College graduate is helping push in Ozark. It really blows ones mind away.