George W. Bush's Book Nearly Outsells Bill Clinton's Book in Two Months Time

George W. Bush is far from my favorites who served as president. Those who try to label him a conservative don't understand the meaning of conservatism. Still, there is this ignorant view from the left that continues to despise him despite the fact Bush played much of his time on the left whether it be record federal spending for Africa's AIDS problem, the establishment of the Fourth Amendment killing Department of Homeland Security (made worse by Obama), or the fact he paved the way for Obama's brand of socialism through the original bailouts. Bush made it possible for Obama to push his agenda, and yet the left still hates him.

Listen to this idiot political writer on MSNBC who claims the reason why Bush's has nearly sold as many copies in two months that Bill Clinton's book sold in two years is because people hate George W. Bush.

Really? You mean it had nothing to do with the presidential insight of 9/11 and the events thereafter. I am willing to bet Bill Clinton wished 9/11 happened on his watch so he could be remembered in history for something other than a blue semen stained dress.