Diffusing Billy Long's Perceived Threats that Led to FBI Showing Up at Blogger's House

There have been many inconsistencies in Sheriff Jim Arnott's story as to who contacted the FBI about the Long is Wrong blogger and what the Greene County Sheriff was doing in Christian County without Sheriff Joey Kyle's knowledge. I have it on video Sheriff Arnott claiming it was Billy Long's office who made the complaint, but in the days that passed, Arnott says it was he who identified me as a possible threat to the Congressman. The funniest thing about it, in the same interview Arnott identifies himself as a conservative. I don't believe a conservative would view the power of the pen as a legitimate threat in the first place if they understand the First Amendment, and the fact Arnott has changed his story a number of times makes me wonder what cronyism has taken place between Congressman Long and Sheriff Arnott, who I have heard maintain a close relationship.

Why was I targeted in the first place? Arnott told Nick Reed on KSGF it wasn't targeted because of my blog, but without my blog I have no connection to Billy Long. I would just be another voter to pander to who probably doesn't care enough about the whole political process to just a few days before election day if it wasn't for my blog. Think about that. Would you even know who I was if it wasn't for the Long is Wrong blog? I guarantee you Billy Long wouldn't know who I was if it wasn't for that blog. He wouldn't care either.

I would just be another face he met pandering on the campaign trail. I am almost willing to make the ultimate bet that Congressman Long's office contacted Sheriff Arnott's office asking for records to be pulled so they could pull off this political payback. Simply writing a blog and asking a Congressman or political candidate doesn't justify a visit from the FBI without actual proof of a threat made again that person. There was no threat, just the perceived possibility from a man who obviously wants to shut me and a few other people up.

In the video of the FBI interview which media outlet KY3 has seen, Sheriff Arnott states it was Billy Long's office that contacted him about concerns they had. Arnott then strangely enough says he doesn't even think Billy Long knows who I am. I made a promise to the FBI agent I would not release the video on the Internet, but for anyone who has doubt in Arnott's story, I am willing to prove he is changing this story with video evidence.

It should be noted that at no time on the campaign trail were law enforcement called for these "confrontations"  by the Long campaign while he was making announced public appearances open to the public to deal with any concerns Mr. Long had concerning these public appearances in relation to myself. This was the first time I had received any kind of attention by any law enforcement agency. Remember, I hadn't attended any events, let alone see Billy Long in public or private since September.

Now let's think back to June. Billy Long's office through Andrew Bruner who worked at Long's campaign office on South Glenstone had no problem identifying me as Christian County resident as they filed an Federal Election Commission ethics complaint that listed my Ozark address on the complain. All of a sudden, that was all forgotten about, probably for convenience, so Long could pull my records. It is the tight relationship between Long and Arnott I keep hearing about that probably led Long bypassing my Sheriff, Joey Kyle, a hardcore constitutionally mindful sheriff, in exchange for Arnott. This is one of those red flags that should alert all this is politically motivated and Billy Long doesn't have the First Amendment in his best interest since this is really an effort to silence the blogger critical of Long.

Everyone wants to know what is on the video. I haven't hidden that, but due to a promise I made to the FBI agent, I promised the video would not go live on the Internet. I have written in detail what was used against me. I have a discharge that if Sheriff Arnott didn't partake in this knee-jerk reaction and allowed the FBI to further investigate medical records in my US Navy active duty files, they would see the discharge sounds worse than it really was. Then I have a municipal violation as I feel my due process 5th Amendment rights were violated as the Sheriff and the FBI used an instance that I was found innocent of. A municipal violation is even lesser than a misdemeanor, which even the dropped charge equaled to.

Take this in perspective to the type of people Billy Long hangs out with. If you remember back to the Metro Mafia controversy, I and a few other bloggers began looking at possible liquor license violations for the restaurant that centered around the controversy surrounding Billy Long. What we discovered is Billy Long was hanging out and possibly going to Las Vegas with a convicted felon who was found guilty of federal gun charges. Perhaps, it's me that should be worried about possible threats by Billy Long and his friends, and not vice versa.

So we have Sheriff Arnott entering my county because he found a municipal violation from Ozark, Missouri, something that even the city prosecutor told KY3 news isn't really that big of a deal. You have a Navy discharge that was taken at face value without ever looking at the notes to see the severity of the discharge, which amounted to nothing more than a sailor asking to be released. You probably now have thousands of dollars of your tax dollars being spent all because Billy Long is upset someone criticized him and then trumped up some incidents where I simply asked him questions pertaining to the campaign using the Gabrielle Giffords shooting for his own political gain. Most importantly, it appears you have some cronyism going on between Long's office and the Greene County Sheriff as Arnott doesn't seem capable of keeping his story straight.