Congressman Billy Long and the Nazi Police State

Will Lynch is being mentioned as a possible conservative Republican challenger in 2012 against Congressman Billy Long. Lynch has written this excellent piece, which appears on his blog (Life as a Law Student) comparing Long's early actions as Congressman to the Nazi police state during Hitler's reign. (A warning to Lynch: language like this directed at Congressman Billy Long may soon lead to a knock on your door.)

The one about Billy Long and Nazi Germany

It's been twelve days since Billy Long has been sworn into office as our United States Congressman. In just twelve days, less than two weeks, he's made two terrible errors. Errors that I and other Southwest Missourians are disappointed in and embarrassed about. Less than 24 hours after being sworn in, Billy and countless other congressmen skipped the reading of the Constitution. I commented earlier that I believe this to be a slap in the face to the Constitutional revival that Speaker Boehner and others in Republican leadership are trying to institute.

This week, something far more egregious happened. Following the massacre in Tucson, Arizona and the media blitz that was quick to point fingers, the Capitol Police solicited the names of potential threats from Congressmen, and report those "threats" to the proper authorities.

Shortly thereafter, Clay Bowler, who runs Bungalow Bill's Conservative Wisdom and previously ran the Long is Wrong website, was visited by an FBI agent and Greene County Sheriff Jim Arnott. There are a lot of places you can read about this; it's been picked up by Glenn Beck, The Drudge Report, The Springfield News-Leader, PoliticMO, and KY3 among PLENTY of other sources (just google "Billy Long" and click on news).

To those that are unaware of the situation this may seem innocuous. Politicians have the same rights to safety as anyone else, and should they ever feel threatened they, just as anyone else, should report the incidences in which actually and truthfully feel they may be in danger. However, this situation is not one where Billy Long had ever felt legitimately threatened, and any thing he should say to the contrary is pure political conjecture and an outright lie.

This is something sinister. This is Billy Long utilizing a federal agency to try and shut up a political opponent, and it's not the first incident where a government official attempted to squash opposition. Some history buffs may know what the SA or the Brown Shirts were in Nazi Germany, but now is as good as time as any to educated people on a little bit of history. At the beginning of Hitler's rise to power in Germany in the early 1900s, a paramilitary group of soldiers were utilized for political purposes. This group was the Sturmabteilung, or the SA, often called "Brownshirts" because of the appearance of their uniforms. The Brownshirts were responsible for using force to stop the political opposition to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime beginning with a political even in November of 1921, which is also where the gained their name which translates into "Storm Trooper." For the next decade, the Storm Troopers utilized violence to ensure the progression and growth of the Nazi party and its leaders. In 1933, after Hitler was named Chancellor of Germany, the tide began to change as the Brownshirts were seen as a threat to Hitler and wanted more radical change like fully incorporating Socialism into Germany. Things came to a head the following year as the Gestapo, or secret state police, was transferred to Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS (Schutzstaffel). The Gestapo then assassinated the leaders of the Brownshirts in the "Night of the Long Knives" in an ironic twist of fate.

Both the SA and the Gestapo were used for intimidation and violence by the radical leaders of the Nazi party, and that sort of behavior can NOT be tolerated in the United States. It's actions like this that remind everyone how important and precious our rights are. Without our first amendment freedoms, our nation would not be the great and powerful free nation that all of us enjoy and love. We must not sit idly by as anyone attempts to take our rights away. I encourage everyone to contact Billy Long's office and tell them they're "fed up" with Gestapo-like actions. Their number is (417)889-1800 for Springfield or (202)225-6536 for D.C. (you can also send an e-mail to his office here).

Many of our neighbors are disappointed and embarrassed by Billy Long's actions. It's unfortunate that someone that sold himself as a good ol' boy that was "Tea Party before Tea Party was cool" is using the same tactics taught by Obama's former Chief-of-Staff Rahm Emanuel: "Never let a serious opportunity go to waste. What I mean by that is it is an opportunity to do things you could not do". Folks all across the district are upset by Billy Long acting as Big Brother and you should be to, every one should be disappointed by him USING the death of others to attempt to shut up his critics. Be sure to contact him and let him know how you feel.

Let's make Billy Long a one-term Congressman.