You know I am alarmed abut Billy Long's latest sound bite as I fear Billy Long is violating the privacy of constituents he considers his political enemies. As members of Congress were asked whether or not they plan to conceal and carry at public events. As a strong advocate of the Second Amendment, I don't have a problem with any member of Congress packing heat. I find Long's answer very interesting.
Long was asked if he had his conceal and carry license and whether he plans on travelling with a gun.
"I don't want to go there," Long said. "If I was or wasn't ... nobody needs to know."
I agree with Mr. Long, but I wonder if Mr. Long's office through Sheriff's Arnott's office provided an inventory of my own collection of firearms that I legally possess through the Second Amendment? What do you bet Long's office was told about my collection of Fire Arms that have been purchased in the last two years with background checks through Arnott's office? Something tells me, abusing his federal power, Long knows exactly my firearms purchase history.