The federal student loan program program is a failure. It produces professional debtors, drives up tuition costs, and lowers competition between schools. A result of lower competition is obvious. Schools are under performing and not delivering challenging and worth curriculum. Yet, limits for student loans continue to increase which drive up tuition as administrators work to get their hands on as much of the federal assistance that is available.
A new study shows just how much colleges across the country are under performing.
A study of more than 2,300 undergraduates found 45 percent of students show no significant improvement in the key measures of critical thinking, complex reasoning, and writing by the end of their sophomore years.
Not much is asked of students, either. Half did not take a single course requiring 20 pages of writing during their prior semester, and one-third did not take a single course requiring even 40 pages of reading per week.
The findings are in a new book, Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses, by sociologists Richard Arum of New York University and Josipa Roksa of the University of Virginia. An accompanying report argues against federal mandates holding schools accountable, a prospect long feared in American higher education.
What's Obama's answer to the question, put more children though this failed model. Remember, Obama is preparing to throw more federal money at higher education to produce more college graduates before 2020, something Republicans like Congressman Billy Long are on record as supporting. The answer to America's job woes is not to produce more meaningless college education. It's time to demand American products and restore the pride in workers to produce American products. It's also time to end worthless general education classes in college, and show more Americans the way to a trade school that actually teaches legitimate skills and not philosophies and theory.
Our colleges are failing students, and I have every reason to blame the federal government because they have created a system where money is easily available for students who don't stop to question the education they are receiving because the money isn't immediately coming out of their pockets.