A package addressed to Big Sis, the destroyer of the Fourth Amendment, ignited at a post office facility in Washington DC yesterday. Nobody was hurt. The package was quickly put out by a postal employee.
Now who would want to hurt Janet Napolitano? She only wants to make sure America is safe by removing our Constitutional rights and forcing her goons to touch our junk and take naked images of us. I can't imagine why anyone would be angry enough with her to send her such a dangerous package. What are you thinking? All this invasive government is for our own good.
My question is, as two other similar packages were found in Maryland, did someone actually send these to Napolitano, or did Napolitano's goons create this bit of terror theater in order to make the case against more Americans to destroy the Fourth Amendment with more oppressive tyranny from DHS. You see, that's the real problem in America right now? As the federal government continues to destroy rights, false flags, which may be the real possibility of these three packages may be plants to set up the next stage of tyranny--all to create the illusion they will keep you safer.
Sick I know, but sometimes you have to ask what is real and what isn't. After all, the United States government has been caught many times before faking something in order to justify their next be role. Ever hear of Vietnam?