Billy Long to Hold Big Dollar Contributor Lunch at the Capitol Hill Club: Business as Usual

During the campaign, Billy Long uttered the words politicians in Washington spend more time focused on getting reelected than they do focused on the issues. How quickly the train of thought changes once he became Congressman Long.

A Web site documenting the political party circuit known as Sunlight's Foundations Party shows that Billy Long is throwing a high dollar per plate fundraiser at the Capitol Hill Club:

March 30th, 2011 (12 p.m.)
View Invitation
For: Billy Long (R, MO-07)
When: March 30th, 2011 (12 p.m.)
Where: Capitol Hill Club - 300 First Street SE
Type of Event: Lunch
Contribution Information: $2,000 PAC Co-Host; $1,000 Individual Co-Host; $1,000 PAC; $500 Individual
Make Checks Payable To: The Gula Graham Group - 700 12th Street, NW - Suite 700 Washington, DC 20005