No Probable Cause, No Warrant...DC Metrorail Cops Search Bags of Subway Riders

Is simply getting on a subway train probable cause? Of course not, but that hasn't stopped the Washington DC Metrorail Police from denying people their Fourth Amendment right. Without any warrants and probable cause, the DC police have begun random bag checks of subway passengers.

They justify their decision to further kill the Fourth Amendment because someone made a bomb threat to the subway last week. Gee, is that all it takes to kill the Constitution? Bomb threats? I bet bomb threats will go up in number all so this tyranny continues.

Nazi Police Chief Michael Taborn goes with the norm issuing a statement about safety as he announced the DC Metrorail Nazi Police force will begin random searches of bags. "The program will increase visible methods of protecting our passengers and employees, while minimizing inconvenience to riders."

Chief Taborn, I remind you what Benjamin Franklin would say about your Fourth Amendment violating bag search. To paraphrase, those who give up liberty for security deserve neither.

New York and Boston have already begun random bag checks and I am sure Chicago isn't far behind.